7 Tips to Sleep Well At Night Naturally

You can get more sleep naturally instead of relying on sleep remedies from pharmacies. Insufficient sleep takes a toll on our bodies. Sleep is critical and helps to keep our appetite levels in check. It helps to reduce inflammation. Sleep also improves healthy cognitive brain function and memory attention. Our body heals itself and regenerates when we sleep. We suggest 7 tips to naturally promote deep restful sleep:

1. Drink herbal tea

There are plenty of herbs and herbal teas for different sleep problems like anti-stress, digestion, helps to reduce aches and pains and more. There are so many herbs like peppermint and fennel that you can take during the day that can help you relax and sleep. Be sure to opt for caffeine-free herbal tea. Valerian tea acts as a sedative and Chamomile tea is an anti-inflammatory and a sedative. Passion flower is used to calm a person. Lavender is very soothing, relaxing and anti-stress. So drink herbal tea to improve your sleep quality.

2. Sleep in a dark room

It is so important to sleep in total darkness. Even small cracks of light can slow down our body’s ability to produce melatonin, a sleep hormone that is produced in the brain and makes us feel sleepy. Melatonin is not produced as effectively in the presence of light. So remove the night light and invest in some blackout curtains in your bedroom to block out the light to create a more conducive environment to fall asleep. Alternatively, you can also wear a sleep mask.

3. Turn off electronic devices

All electronic devices must be turned off half an hour or an hour before bedtime. When it is time to wind down at night close to bedtime, switch off your cell phone, tablet, laptop, and TV. It is not recommended to have a TV in your bedroom. Your bedroom is for total relaxation. Blue light raises cortisol levels, a steroid hormone that aggravates your eyes and stimulates your brain. Electronic devices also disrupt our body’s ability to sleep because of the blue light. We have all been there working on our laptops or looking through something on the phone. It is so important to try our best to put these things away half an hour or an hour before we go to bed at night. Instead what you can do is read a book before you sleep. Or fill in your journal on the day’s activities before you go to sleep. Journaling will help you calm down and de-stress. Make sure the lights in your bedroom are dimly lit with no bright lights so that it sets you up for feeling sleepy.

4. Keep room cool

Our bodies fall into a deep restful sleep when our body temperature is a bit cooler. When our environment gets cooler, our body temperature will naturally decrease at night. You will have trouble sleeping when the temperature is too hot or too cold. You will not be able to sleep properly if your body is constantly trying to regulate its temperature as it releases energy in this way. At bedtime, if you can cool your body temperature generally from 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit or 15-20 degrees Celsius, your body will naturally know that it is time to sleep. You can also open a window which is a good way to cool down your bedroom. Turn on the fan for better air circulation or the AC which is a good option. If it’s very hot, just stick out your feet from under the covers. This can help cool you down and improve your sleep.


5. Move your body

Moving your body during the day promotes deep restful sleep. Physical activity will tire you as well as reduce stress and increase your feel-good hormone. You do not need strenuous exercise hours before bedtime to improve your sleep. Just 10-20 minutes of aerobics can help. Find a movement that you love doing. It could be just a nice walk, hiking or bike riding. If you want to increase your level of activity, go for a 15-minute brisk walk after dinner or early morning. It beats being sedentary during the day.

6. Do not eat before bed

You definitely do not want to have a heavy meal before you go to bed. Large amounts of food create blood sugar spiking and it will disrupt your body when you fall asleep. Our body temperature will increase when there is food in our stomachs that we are trying to digest. This will slow down the melatonin hormone that makes us sleepy. When we sleep the body needs to focus on cell regeneration and other internal processes that take place during our sleep instead of digesting food. We do not want food digestion to be our primary focus.

7. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule

It is better to go to bed at the same time and also wake up at the same time. As opposed to going to bed at midnight one day and at 9 p.m. the next day or sleeping till noon. Even if you are getting 8 hours of sleep, what’s more important is having a consistent sleep schedule. We need to go to bed and to wake up at the same time because our bodies love routine. It is important to have a regular sleep schedule not only for weekdays but also for weekends. Consistency in our schedule helps to balance our hormones in our body so that we can feel our best. You can set a bedtime alarm. This will remind you that it is getting late and it is time to go to bed. 

Improve Your Sleep Quality With Seifu Therapy

These 7 steps help to improve sleep quality. You can also explore a Deep Relaxation Seifu Therapy to help your body be more rested.

Alternatively, you can learn Seifu Therapy techniques from a Workshop to help yourself become more relaxed.


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